Haïti sur Twitter

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@BHMhaiti, Baptist Haiti Mission:
Doctors have performed more than 57 complex surgeries since earthquake

@TheGreeneTeam, Craig Greene, chirurgien de la Louisiane:
We are all OK after the second quake Dr. Boersma was at LoveAChild and they had a building crack but are OK

@IvanCNN, Ivan Watson, correspondant CNN pour Istanbul:
American and Turkish rescuers pulled out of Caribbean Market today. heartbreaking interviews with relatives waiting to unearth loved ones.

@RAMhaiti, Richard Morse, musicien haïtien:
Yes there was another Quake.Not as long, not as strong. It was like your mother giving you a little shake in the morning to get you out of bed

@AlexforMerlin, Alex Cottin, du groupe d’aide Merlin:
I just sweet talked my way into letting a team of 12 medical staff with 5 tons of medical supplies into pitching tents on the hotel terrace!

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