
1er Oct – 8 p.m. Orange > Bleue > Station Acadie

On s’est croisé dans le métro ligne Orange. Tu parlais à qq’un. Our eyes met quand suis entré dans le metro. Never seen eyes so beautiful. Puis tu m’as regardé encore une fois, j’ai pas pu comprendre l’expression de tes yeux. I had a black jacket, olive green trousers. You were in black jacket, blue jeans, white-black trainers, long hazel hair, and pink-green gemstone necklace. I have teeth braces too. I thought I’ll never see you again, I came once more across you on the elevator at Acadie Station. I said to myself okay that’s it, it’s the last time I’m seeing you in my life. But we saw each other once more near the street crossing. You took out your phone (red or pink). I wanted to talk you.. but didn’t want to be a minute late for my ortho appointment. Now I wish I was late, I wish I had taken the time to tell you how lovely you are.. J’aimerais telment te voir encore une fois.. coup de pouce du destin

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