
This dream

In my dreams ,I have met such a person with all those beautiful qualities…I started to have feelings for him/her..The person started to became mine…. He/she became a part of my life….. I started to love him/her.Who knew that one day when I will open my eyes …the dream that I had will start shattering ….he/she won’t no longer be mine…. I will be apart from him/her…. How should I pacify this heart inside of me which started to have a feeling for someone? How should I forget this person which my memories are related to him/her. How should I forget his/her face when in my little heart there is already a face drew of him/her? …. Do not forget him/her , do not erase all of your memories of him/her ..Let your eyes be close and let the journey continue in this love….. Which dreams never ends…

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