
Ready to spring forward

Through solid efforts, Dorval has maintained its 4 Fleuron classification by the Corporation des Fleurons du Québec, an entity that recognizes sustainable beautification efforts in Quebec municipalities. In an attempt to boost green spaces and their standing, the city will be leading an initiative to have local businesses plant 10,000 trees over the next five years.

In a ceremony at the Granby Zoo, the Corporation des Fleurons highlighted what the different municipalities have achieved to make a better place to live for their residents. Similar to the stars for hotels (1 to 5 Fleurons), the rating is valid for three years and can be displayed in municipal building entrances. Recognized worldwide, they can lead to increased horticultural tourism thanks to the Fleurons label.

More than 150 mayors and municipal representatives received the classification from the president of the Fleurons, Mr. Gaston Arcand, Mayor of Deschambault-Grondines near Québec.

The ceremony has inspired Dorval into looking for more ways to improve. The new initiative will see the development of a subsidy to support institutions, businesses and industries (IBI) that wish to add to the greening of their property by planting more trees. Financial aid will be provided to give local IBIs an opportunity to purchase trees at low cost through the Groupe de recherche appliquée en macroécologie (GRAME), who focus on sustainable development solutions.

In this case, the use of economic incentives in environmental management will guide the local tree plantation project named “ICI, on verdit! », which is tackling the unique issues that come with living with an airport.

« In Dorval, the environment is at the heart of our priorities and we are very happy to be able to contribute to the greening of Dorval’s businesses, » the Mayor said in a statement.

GRAME will plant the trees and then the business will care for them. The hope is that the new trees will diminish the heat island effect in the industrial sector and trap more air-born pollutants.


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